• Toffee Factory (map)
  • Lower Steenbergs Yard, Quayside, Ouseburn, Walker Road
  • Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 2DF

This project will see Mammoth move its successful brand into a new category.  While early moves are already underway it is recognised the business needs to crystallise a proposition that can transition categories without diluting the brand.

The brand, like many contemporary businesses. has multiple stakeholders.  The owner, a product proposition house; the manufacturer in current category (bedding), for which the brand represents major revenue; and new potential partners in an adjacent category (manufacturers of chairs and upholstery), who are interested in applying the brand in new product ventures.

We are seeking input into interpreting and extracting principal elements of an established consumer product brand which form the foundation of a style aesthetic. 

Can you assist Mammoth in considering the visual essence of the brand in product design, and what it represents?

Can you create principles for product signature and expression in different project categories (chairs and sofas?)

You can find out more and register your interest in attending here